Headphone enthusiasts can be a fickle bunch, but if you manage to pull a group of them away from their amps and Super Audio CD players to ask them to recommend a pair of cans, most would point you towards the Sennheiser 600-series. Over the past 25 years, Sennheiser has been trickling out minor updates to the line, but the latest addition—the new HD 660S2—address a common complaint with recent models.
For those proud to distinguish themselves as true audiophiles, there’s no such thing as audio gear that’s too expensive. If they have to choose between a new car or a similarly-priced pair of headphones that promise to inch them closer to acoustical nirvana, then you’ll probably find them taking the bus to work. That’s why headphones like the $16,000 Sennheiser Orpheus HE90 and their follow-up, a $55,000 upgraded model simply called the Orpheus, exist.